



  • 字級大小

人員職掌 About us

發布日期 2017-08-03 21:50:00

人員職掌 About Us



分機:3501   E-mail:extension.edu@mail.wzu.edu.tw


□   規劃及推動推廣教育工作之各項發展計畫
Execute DEE’s  annual development plan

□   綜理及監督推廣教育相關業務
Supervise the operation of DEE’s various business

□   評估、分析推廣教育課程之績效
Achievements inspection

□   加強本中心內部管理、明列同仁業務執掌,以期能順利推展推廣教育業務
Enhance internal control

□   建立分部之良好社區關係,並依社區特性拓建相關課程
Maintain good relationship between DEE and neighborhood nearby

□   規劃成立校外分部
Establish new branch





分機:3521   E-mail:extension.edu@mail.wzu.edu.tw





□   辦理校本部推廣教育非學分班招生事宜
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班報名及開課前、中、後相關作業(日語)
Preliminary work and enrollment/Conduct affairs related to classes of extension education

□   辦理政府委訓課程(產業人才投資計畫等)
Plan trainig classes consigned by goverment(Industrial Investment Program Plan)

□   辦理企業委訓課程
Plan training classes consigned by enterprises

□   其他計畫類訓練課程或活動辦理
Plan & execute other projects

□   TTQS人才發展品質管理系統評核作業
Exicute Talent Quality-management System

□   推廣教育審查委員會執行秘書
Secretary of Extension Education Committee

□   更新內部控制資料、審核各分部課務及企劃文件
To update and maintain the database related to internal control

□   校務例行資料填報(董事會議)
Update data for academic meetings

□   校本部工讀生管理
Recruit and train part-time workers 

□   校本部教室管理
Classroom management

□   本校「資訊安全執行推動小組」成員
 Information Security Promotion Group




分機:3522        E-mail:extension.edu@mail.wzu.edu.tw


□    辦理校本部推廣教育非學分班招生事宜 
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班報名及開課前、中、後相關作業(日語)
Preliminary work and enrollment/Conduct affairs related to classes of extension education

□    辦理政府委訓課程(中小學雙語教學在職教師增能學分班等
Plan training classes consigned by government (Bilingual Teaching In-service Teacher Credit Class)

□    辦理隨班附讀學分班及學分專班暨更新學分班相關法規 
Plan credit courses & Establishment and revision of related regulations

□    其他計畫類訓練課程或活動辦理 
Plan & execute other projects

□    推廣教育班書籍訂購事宜 
Purchase textbooks

□    校本部財產管理 
 Manage property

□    填寫每月大事記、登革熱網頁填報 
Fill in and submit dengue fever form



分機:3405       E-mail:extension.edu@mail.wzu.edu.tw


□    辦理校本部推廣教育非學分班招生事宜 
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班報名及開課前、中、後相關作業(英語/歐語/東南亞語/韓語/生活藝能)
Preliminary work and enrollment/Conduct affairs related to classes of extension education

□   辦理雙外語夏令營及冬令營營隊

In charge of summer camp and winter camp

□   營隊服務人員培訓及管理
Recruit and train part-time workers 

□   企業團報及廠商聯繫
Be the contact person of enterprises

□   校本部經費年度預算規劃
Budget planning

□   招募及評鑑推廣教育語言班師資暨 更新教師聘任相關法規
Recruit DEE’s teachers & Establishment and revision of related regulations

□   校務例行資料填報(校務基本資料庫、大專校院資訊入口網填報等)
Update data for academic meetings

□   其他計畫類訓練課程或活動辦理
Plan & execute other projects




專線:07-713-4235       E-mail: extension.edu10@mail.wzu.edu.tw



□   辦理推廣教育非學分班招生事宜
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班報名及開課相關作業
Preliminary work and enrollment

□   規劃四維/建國分部語言及生活藝能課程及教師聯繫相關事宜。
Plan classes and contact teachers

□   協助處理四維/建國分部與耶穌會相關工作
Other relevant duties

□   樂齡大學計畫申請、處理開班課務及制定開班/執行流程及表單填報暨計畫核銷
Conduct affairs related to senior education

□   校務例行資料填報(行政會議、校務會議)
Update data for academic meetings




專線:07-713-4235      E-mail:  extension.edu10@mail.wzu.edu.tw



□   辦理推廣教育非學分班招生事宜
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班結業開課前及開課中相關作業
Conduct affairs related to classes of extension education

□   四維/建國分部財產及工讀生管理
Recruit and train part-time workers & Manage property

□    四維/建國分部行政總務、資訊規劃、帳務管理
To conduct general affairs of Shi-Wei branch

□    推廣部每期結業作業彙報
Submit report of graduation

□    四維分部消防演練
Fire drill of Sih-Wei Branch

□    協助推廣部教師節禮品及共融餐會聯繫業務
Procurement and distribution of DEE’s Teacher's Day gifts and year-end banquet organization

□   協助處理分部與四維文教院相關工作,行政工作及其他臨時交辦事宜
Other Relevant Duties




專線:06-235-7891  E-mail:extension.edu30@mail.wzu.edu.tw



□   辦理台南分部推廣教育非學分班招生事宜
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班報名及開課前相關作業
Preliminary work and enrollment

□   各期開班呈報
Submit report of enrollment

□   申請經費預算需求
Budget planning

□   網站資料之更新維護

Update and maintain website 

□   協助處理分部與文教院相關工作
Other relevant duties




專線:06-235-7891     E-mail:extension.edu30@mail.wzu.edu.tw



□   辦理台南分部推廣教育非學分班招生事宜
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班開課中及開課後相關作業
Conduct affairs related to classes of extension education

□   台南分部教室財產、工讀生、環境管理
Recruit and train part-time workers & Manage property

□   辦理台南分部政府委訓課程(產業人才投資計畫等)
Plan trainig classes consigned by goverment(Industrial Investment Program Plan )

□   校務例行資料填報(中程校務發展計畫會議)
Update data for academic meetings(mid-term and long-term development plan)



專線:02-2370-8927      E-mail:  extension.edu40@mail.wzu.edu.tw



□   辦理推廣教育非學分班招生事宜
Enroll students and promote extension education classes

□   辦理推廣教育班報名及開課相關作業
Preliminary work and enrollment

□   規劃台北分部語言及生活藝能課程及教師聯繫相關事宜。
Plan classes and contact teachers

□   台北分部財產及工讀生管理
Recruit and train part-time workers & Manage property

□   台北分部行政總務、資訊規劃、帳務管理
To conduct general affairs of Taipei branch

□   協助處理分部與東華相關工作,行政工作及其他臨時交辦事宜
Other Relevant Duties



 校本部招生 四維招生 台南招生