※ 報名至開課前相關問題Q & A (Before Class Starts)
一、 推廣教育非學分班有哪些課程?
十、停車資訊? |
※ 開課後相關問題 (Q & A after class starts)
一、 轉班、退費辦法?
1. 轉班:報名後欲辦理轉班或轉讓他人,以一次為限,請於開課後七日內憑收據辦理,逾期不再受理。
2. 退費:請攜帶報名收據至本中心辦理,現金繳費以現金退費,信用卡繳費請帶信用卡刷退。 退費標準如下(依教育部「專科以上學校推教育實施辦法」辦理): (1) 報名班別未達開班之基本人數,不予開班,所繳費用全數退還。 (2) 自報名繳費後至開班上課日前退班者,學費及停車費退90%。(開班日當天退50%) (3) 自開班上課之日起算未逾全期三分之一申請退費者,學費及停車費退50%。 (4) 開班上課時間已逾全期三分之一始申請退費者,恕不受理退費手續。 Transferring & Refund policy 1. Transferring policy:Students can transfer to other classes within 7 days after class starts for only one time. 2. Refund policy:Please bring your enrollment receipt and fill in the application form at the counter. If you pay in cash, you will get the refund in cash. If you pay by credit card, we will refund to your credit card. Refund standard: (1)If the class is cancelled due to lack of students, a full refund will be made. (2) 90% of the tuition will be refunded if the class withdraw is made before the class starts. (3) 50% of the tuition will be refunded if the class withdraw is made after the class has started (including the day class starts). (4) No refund will be arranged after the class has started over 1/3 of total hours. 二、因個人因素缺席,可以選擇不同時段的相同課程去補課嗎?
未能如期參與課程者本中心無法提供補課,提醒您於報名前規劃未來上課時間,以免影響學習進度,缺曠均不受理補課。 If you can not attend the class, make-up class is not acceptable. Please check your schedule before enrollment. 三、如果上課時間遇到颱風天怎麼辦?
凡遇天災,請學員自行收聽廣播或電視新聞報導,惟政府公告上課縣市(高雄市或台南市)當日"停止上班",本中心課程則停課且不再另行通知,將順延一次結束課程(寒暑假密集班則另擇期補課)。(線上課程原則上維持正常上課) Standard of Class Suspension of Natural Disaster
1. If Directorate General of Personnel Administration of Executive Yuan and local government call off work due to natural disaster, the classes will be automatically suspended. If the above-mentioned units call off school only, the classes will continue as scheduled. Please pay attention to official announcement, there will not be further notification from us.
2. The date of make-up class would be discussed in the following class. 3. Please notice the latest traffic news before coming to class for your own safety. 四、課程結束後會提供證明嗎?
修業期滿,達結業標準「出席達總時數2/3以上者」,才可於結業當日申請中文版推廣教育結業證明(最多僅提供結業後5年內之結業證明)。 Student whose attendance is over 2/3 of total hours can get Chinese certificate after the class ends. (We can only offer Chinese certificate within 5 years after your class ends ) 五、可否申請英文版結業證明? 請至推廣中心辦公室申請,需7個工作天,每份收取費用50元。 You can apply for English certificate at the counter. Each English certificate will take 7 working days and charges for NT$ 50. 六、能否登錄公務人員學習時數? 本單位為公務人員終身學習認證單位,學員可於課程結束後,持結業證明至推廣部辦公室申請登錄公務人員學習時數 We are life-long-learning certification organization of government officer. Student whose attendance is over 2/3 of total hours can apply for certificate and register their learning hours to government officer on-line system. |